Thursday, January 30, 2014

Revisiting the Historical Paco Cemetery

It was one of those days when I impulsively let my wanderlust get a hold of me. And as always, I am rewarded with a beautiful experience. That day, my feet brought me to the former tomb of our national hero.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Travel Year 2013 : Blessed. Bold. Awesome!

Thank God for the year that was!

Year 2013 has been a very good travel year for me. Compared to 2012, when I just started my travels halfway through the year, 2013 is a whole year round travel adventure for me. I met many new friends, most of them travel bloggers. I've got to taste many food I am not familiar with before. I've got to visit many places I was worried to visit alone. I've got to experience many adventures for the first time, some I would like to try again, some I would rather be happy I have tried just once. :)

The first half (January to June) of my 2013 travel year has brought me to my 42nd province (as related through this post) while the second half (July to December), as adventurous but actually more jam packed than the first, led me to my 54th province! It leaves me now with only 27 provinces to visit and I would try my best to visit them all this 2014.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Cauayan : Isabela's Emerging City

I came to really took notice of Cauayan City through a forum ( wherein many forumers from the said city are eagerly posting their city's each and every development. My curiosity got the best of me, and this became one of the reasons why I embarked on a 2 day journey around the provinces of Isabela and Cagayan.

Cauayan City Hall. Isabela.
This city takes pride in the fact that for a very long time now, Isabela's most influential politicians and leaders came from it. Cauayan City is actually the home of the Dy family who has ruled the province of Isabela for so many decades now. Even Grace Padaca, the lone woman who tried to break Dy's rule in the province came from this city. 

Friday, January 10, 2014

The Treasure that is Tumauini

Tumauini is certainly one of the reasons why I want to visit the province of Isabela. This town is made famous by its century-old church which the town and its people has successfully preserved up to this day. 

After visiting the capital, Ilagan City, I continued my Isabela town hopping to Tumauini, the only town during that tour that I actually had a specific expectation of. One just have to take a PUV - the main mean of transportation in the province I suppose, to get to Tumauini from Ilagan shelling not more than 25 pesos for fare.

St. Matthias Church. Tumauini. Isabela.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Ilagan City : Butaka and Other Tales

At first, I didn't know what Butaka means. I actually thought it was an animal when I heard before that the largest butaka in the world can be found in Ilagan! And so I know now I was really mistaken for I discovered that it actually refers to an armchair - only, Ilagan's armchair is a gigantic one.   

World's Largest Butaka. Ilagan, Isabela.
This giant butaka was built in April 2003 by 25 craftsmen in 29 days. Christened as the "Butaka ni Goliath", it is made of premium narra woods and rattan and measures 11 ft. 4 in. high, 20 ft. 8 in. long, and 9 ft. 7 in. wide. At least 15 people were needed to carry the chair's feet and arms during assembly! The Guinness Book of World Records officially recognized "Butaka ni Goliath" as the largest armchair in the world the same year it was built. It currently can be found at Barangay Alinguigan, along National Highway, beside Bonifacio Park (Rotunda). 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Santiago City : A City of Unity

I have already met several friends and acquaintances from Santiago before I actually set foot in that city. From these friends I learned many things about the city including its politics, rotund economic activities, and of course, beautiful spots. Two of these friends I met when I was in Santiago City: Sir William who toured me around the city hall, and Nico Alialy who treated me to many stories while we're having a hearty McDonalds dinner.

I have been curious about this city since I was in college during the time when my fascination for Philippine political geography was starting to develop. I was curious how Santiago City looks like because my perception of Isabela then is a province full only of farmlands -hundreds of acres of them. Forgive my ignorance then, I also thought that Santiago City would have been a city only by name but in reality just a wide expanse of farmlands.

All these changed when I was able to witness for myself the beauty and the richness that is Santiago City.

St. James Parish Church, Santiago City

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Isabela : A Tour on the Queen's Province of the North

It was a realization of a childhood dream. The dream to just ride a bus and let it bring me to places far from where I grew up, and savor the changing sceneries seen through the bus's window.

And yes, it was one of my very first long bus rides alone... and I did enjoy it. 

Ilagan City, Isabela
It happened in a flash. One night (3rd week of August, 2012), I just decided to visit Isabela and Cagayan provinces. After 2 days, I boarded a bus bound to Santiago City, and from there started my 2 day adventure.