Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Tawi-tawi Islands from the Sky

Tawi-tawi is a very beautiful province indeed. Even from afar, one will already be enchanted by its beauty. Its many different islands are like jewels adorning the vast blue seas of the southwestern part of the Philippines. 

Bud Bungao dominating the view of Bongao Island
Upon leaving Tawi-tawi, be sure to have a glimpse of the majestic Bud Bongao from the plane. It definitely is more beautiful seen by the naked eye rather than from a picture. The picture above also shows the southern part of the island of Sanga-sanga and on top is the island of Pababag.

Sanga-sanga, Bongao, Simunul and Manuk Mangkaw Islands
The picture above shows Sanga-sanga Island (almost covered by the cloud), Bongao Island, Simunul Island (the one with cleft), and the topmost island in this picture (also almost covered by the cloud), Manuk Mangkaw Island.

Sanga-sanga Airport Landing Strip. Sanga-Sanga Island.
Sanga-sanga Airport Strip can be clearly seen from the sky in the picture above. The bridge connecting the islands of Sanga-sanga and Bongao is also somewhat visible.

Tawi-tawi Island (Main Island)
As the plane goes north, you will also see the main island of Tawi-tawi where the old capital, Panglima Sugala, as well as the municipality of Languyan is located. In the picture above, Basbas and Tabulunga Islands (two larger than the other islands, left to right) can be seen as well as Pajumajan, Daluman, Tancan and other numerous smaller islands.

Kakatan Island
Further north is the lone  island of Kakatan. Nearest to Kakatan island to the left are the islands of Maningkulat and Babuan shown above, and in the picture below. Maningkulat and Babuan Islands are part of the Municipality of South Ubi, Tawi-tawi province.

Babuan Island (Atoll) and Maningkulat Island.

Maningkulat Island is the nearest island of Tawi-tawi to the Province of Sulu. All other islands that you will see after Maningkulat is already part of Sulu, and further north, Basilan. 

All the islands in picture above is actually just a small part of the whole archipelago of Tawi-tawi. They are all beautiful and seeing them from the sky is really an amazing experience!

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