Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Travel Bloggers Who Inspire San Josenyong Gala

San Josenyong Gala, just like many other travel blogs, didn't just came out of the blue. I made this blog public July 2013 but I actually created it a year before. Many revisions have been made, and many tips and advice has to be solicited to make it better. And those revisions and solicitations of advice continues up to now.

At first, I have no plans of creating a blog about my travels. I just enjoy travelling and chronicles them through photos posted in my Facebook account. But upon seeing some travel blogs where the bloggers recount their experience, giving tips here and there, telling stories of how they enjoyed their travel while also promoting lesser known towns and places, and Philippine tourism in general, I had an inspiration to write my own blog. I know and I felt I want to emulate the goodness and inspiration brought about by these bloggers. I also want to promote Philippine Tourism, especially of those less traveled destinations. I specifically would want to push for heritage preservation in my own little way.

The following travel bloggers have made a large impact on my blogging experience/life. They have inspired me and through reading their blogs, had given me idea on how I may be able to be a better travel blogger. They are, in some way has contributed to the development of San Josenyong Gala as a travel blog... with a purpose.

GLEN SANTILLAN of Escape Manila  

"Traveling is not just about the destination, sometimes it's about the people you are with, and the people you'll meet along the way."

He was the very first blogger I met personally and the one who guided me in the first days of launching of my travel blog. I'm glad he didn't find me annoying (I assume. hehehe...) because he's always the first one I ask whenever I have problems or any questions regarding travel blogging. I am not considering him as a Human Google (yet!) but a co-blogger and a friend who's always ready to lend a helping hand. He's the one behind the Phl50 project (50 days on the road, non-stop), a project I can only dream about but will never be able to do.

EDMAR GUQUIB of Edmaration 

I love townhopping. I usually do it with motorbike and I believe that the small and less visited towns are the best destination to go -- pure, non-commercialized, genuine, unscripted, unhurried. In short, I want PURE experiences and NEW discoveries."

I have known Edmar even before I have ventured into the travel blogging world (though I am not sure if he knows me then). I would always see his posts in, a forum dedicated on urbanity and development, especially in the Ilocos Sur thread. From there, I was lead into his blog and found out that we share many things in common : the curiosity and interests in things yet unknown or soon to be discovered. His style of writing is very engaging that I spent hours in reading his posts the first time I've been there. We also share the same thoughts about the province of Abra, and the urge to promote the province as much as possible, though he is definitely way, way ahead of me in that respect.

He enjoys townhopping as much as I do, exploring and discovering lesser-known towns and cities, and blogs about them for everyone to see and appreciate. He also had the passion to promote heritage tourism, a passion I also have.

GAY MITRA-EMAMI of Pinay Travel Junkie

"You're living THE life!", some people remarked on our social networking accounts. At least, an ideal life for a vagabond. Probably we really are, but I assure you we've earned it the hard way. Every phase of my earlier backpacking years led me to where I am now."

Of all the travel bloggers I look up to, I think my reason for including Ms. Gay as one of those who influenced me is the oddest one. It's primarily because I find her the most beautiful among all the female Filipino travel bloggers I had ever seen online. And yes, I also like her blog... :) 

I find Ms. Gay a fine example of a "very outgoing and fun to be with" girl. Her thoughts and reflections in her blog is something to ponder upon. Her having a kid didn't deter her to continue on travelling and visiting the world, an inspiration to me, saying that if you really want something you enjoy done, just do it! 

Her being a travel blogger makes me hopeful that the day will come that I am going to meet a girl as beautiful as her during my travels... to be friends with at least... :)


"We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us..."

The line above is the best line I have heard (or seen) about travelling. Short and simple. Unassuming and straight to the point. A line that I think best describes the travelling life of Ms. Shugah.

I have met Ms. Shugah online when I am already a beginner travel blogger through some common friends in FB. Though we haven't met personally yet and we seldom chat in FB, she already became an inspiration to me as a blogger. 

She is the one who told me that travelling should be enjoyed and one should not be too caught up in blogging. She changed me back to being a blogger who posts just to share travel experiences and not too much focused on getting too many visits, G +s, unrelated comments and shares. I look up to her as a genuine travel blogger who blogs about her passion... which is actually what blog should all be about.


"I enjoy the freedom that going to places entails, both the trip itself and the destination, reveling in the many things that the act of travel offers: the sounds, the sights, the people and the flavors."

Even before I started blogging, I have often stumble in Mr. Cabigas's blog because of my keen interest on heritage structures, especially old churches. He's blog, though focusing in his different travels and adventures, has enough space that focuses on heritage preservation. I specifically like, another website curated and owned by Mr. Cabigas which features different Philippine heritage structures from known Spanish Churches to old age campo santos.

JED ROSELL of Biyaherong Barat

"My love for the country inspired me to create Biyaherong Barat and forever I am bound to continue what I've started until my last breath. I hope to inspire other travelers as I was inspired by many travel bloggers and photographers in the local and international travel scene"
I have also been visiting Mr. Jed's blog even before I was bitten by the travel blogging bug. I find his posts about his different travels, especially to those not well-known places, an inspiration. His posts are straight forward and very useful to travelers, newbie or veterans alike. The way he organized his blog posts are easy to understand making local travel planning a walk in the park.

JAMES BETIA of Journeying James

"Follow your dreams. Do something crazy. Pursue your passion. Run. Surf. Fly. Get lost in Paradise. Enjoy life..."

Budget Travel? James Betia is the man! My aim of visiting all the 80 provinces of the Philippines is partly inspired by this man's project - 100 days of backpacking the Philippines, the cheapest way possible. We may not have met personally yet and he may not know me but he surely has helped me during my travels. One of his post is also instrumental for me to meet 2 friends, Deejay Bulay and Wilmar Ranes, who has been very helpful during my Samal Island tour - the place I consider to be a paradise. 

There are many other travel bloggers who inspired me and continues to inspire me but those above have influenced me most. I am looking forward to discovering more travel blogs and bloggers who may inspire and influence me one way or another because I know that influence and inspiration doesn't stop. It only takes another form through another person but it will continue egging me to do my best as a travel blogger... 


  1. Haha! It's pretty cool to be the oddball. Hope to meet you someday, somewhere :)

  2. Seryoso? Nahiya ako sa line up! LOL
    Im glad I was able to inspire you in some way.. Just keep the fire burning and never ever ever pressure your self with traveling. Balance is key and works like a charm. I hope to meet you one day, San Josenyong Gala! :)

    1. Nyaks! You actually perfectly fit the list... Thanks for the inspiration and syempre, I am also looking forward to meet you in the future... :)

  3. Thanks Brod! Malapit na ulit tayo magkita :) See you soon and good luck sa pag boblog. I'm just a PM or text away. Salamat din sa inyo ni Chris sa pagsama sa akin sa Bulacan :)

    1. Thanks din! Oo nga, konti na lang... hehehe... Inaantay ko nga rin yung lakad natin na yun eh... That would be the most daring travel I would be having...

  4. Romel, can't find the words to say (LOLS!).

    I know when we meet one day, it will be an endless chit-chat. Yes you're right, we have a lot of interests in common, starting from our interests in SSC, to town-hopping, to heritage conservation and the 'courage' to blog unknown structures, towns and houses without caring about who will be interested to read those. See you on the road! Sana matuloy na. :)

    1. Yup, kita kits! Matutuloy din yang pagkikita natin... Mahaba-habang usapan siguro pag nagkita tayo... hehehe...

  5. Salamat sa pag-include sa akin dito. It's an honor.

    Cheers, man. =)

  6. Woohoo! Gandang line-up nito! Can't wait to meet every PTB on your list.. si Edmar pa lang namiMeet ko hehehe. :)

    1. I have yet to meet Edmar... But I'll be meeting you, hopefully on Sunday... Hehehe... Excited na ko... :)

  7. WELL DONE SIR.,.,I just "LIKED" your post when it passed in my FB coz i dont have time to read but now I got time.,., thanks sir, you inspired me a lot.,,. you mentioned my name but i dont remember what help ive done.,.,heheh but niweiz,,.,. thanks.,. I wish my start will look like this soon.,.,hehehe.,.,.,., more travels sir we both have the same advocacy .,.,., i may not be your first liker but i assure u im your follower.,.,heheeh

    1. The very fact that you went out of your way to text me even you are abroad just to be sure that there's someone who will tour me around Samal Island is already a very big help sir. That's aside from the fact that you don't even know me then... :)

  8. Way to go! enjoy blogging like I did! B-)

  9. salamat! i remember you ask me (is that on twitter?) about samal. glad you met them in davao. hope you can visit the 80, ohh 81 na pala bec there's a new province Davao Occiental, in the PH. more travels and more inspiration for you to write your story. thanks again!

    1. If I'm not mistaken, it's on a post on your blog... Nag-ask ako sa comment section... :) Pero andun naman number ni sir Deejay so I contacted him... :)

      Thanks for the visit! Hope to meet you sometime... somewhere... (sabi nga ni Ms. Gay...)

  10. Great list of inspiring travel blogs here! Keep traveling and enjoy!

    1. Thanks sir! Enjoy and keep safe din sa mga travels mo... :)

  11. i've read ths blog and learned that you like to explore placesthat arenot popular,unexplored and almost,i am inviting you people/bloggers to visit our munting baryo.see the place.enjoy the scenery and chillax! hope to see you,soon.i can arrange your trip,if you want.ako po si evelyn(frind ko po sila manong unyol,jc sabio,and the rest of the bangag group. my cel number-09275322861.

  12. Salamat po sa dalaw Ma'am lyn52. I will definitely sched my visit to your place this year! Thanks for the invitation... :)
