Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Backpacker : Get to know San Josenyong Gala!

Since I was a kid, I have always been dreaming of riding a bus and just let it bring me to any place in the Philippines. I just want to look out of the bus' window while mentally taking shots of the places I see. But I wasn't able to do that then until recently because of many things: studies, budget, work. Besides, my parents won't allow me.

Inside the Davao Museum

And then the year 2012 arrived. I'm no more a kid, have a stable job, and now owns a simple digicam... Voila! I am now trying to fulfill my childhood dream, and I can say I will brave even Sulu, Basilan and Maguindanao just to reach that dream... (No offense meant to those who live in Maguindanao, Basilan and Sulu. It's not me but those people around me who wouldn't want me venturing into those provinces).

Now, let me introduce myself before we continue going on to the the different trips I have made within the Philippines.

I am Romel Rafor Jaime, a proud and licensed Librarian. I finished my library studies at the University of the Philippines Diliman and now currently pursuing my MA in the same field with cognate courses in Anthropology. Before I practiced my profession, I taught general education subjects at AMA Computer Learning Center Lagro and the school that first fulfilled my other dream-teaching, the Bulacan Polytechnic College.

It's the Librarian in me.
People's Park, Davao City

I currently live in San Jose del Monte but you won't always find me there because I work in Gapan as a College Librarian. My weekends are spent through my MA studies and my city and town hopping activities.

As the name of my blog implies, I am a proud San Josenyo. Having lived more than 3/4 of my life in this city, I can say that I am proud of what the city has become. I am actually maintaining another blog dedicated to San Jose del Monte : Right now, I am also currently writing a book about San Jose del Monte's history.

As a traveller, I have my own way of adventures. I enjoy city and town hopping so much that you won't find me in one place for hours, except at night... :)

Inside the deep cave. Sumaguing Cave, Sagada, Mt. Province.

I actually have my idiosyncrasies as a traveler as enumerated below:

1. I almost always don’t plan with details. All I have is a rough plan of what places to visit but most of the time, I don’t secure any place to spend the night at.

2.  I prefer visiting the town church, city or town hall, plaza, provincial capitols and other edifices, be it old or new. I always visit a town’s market and market district to get a glimpse of the places’ economy and progress.

3.  I do town and city hopping like a mad man… as long as the sun haven’t set yet, I’ll move from one town (or city) to another…

4.       I enjoy the travel/ride more than arriving at my destination. The ride gives me a sense of adventure and the feeling of excitement of venturing into a place unknown to me (or known to me only through net?)

The fantastic El Nido Karsts. Beautiful Palawan.
Now there, you already know me a bit personally, and as a traveler. Now, I would want to invite you to join me in my adventures, and sometimes, misadventures...

Let us visit Philippines. More Adventures. More Places. More Fun... Tara, Gala na!


  1. Thank you for joining Blogs Ng Pinoy! Your blog has been posted! You can also vote for your favorite blogs! The Top 5 highest rated will be displayed in the BLOGS OF FAME and will be featured weekly in our Facebook page ;)

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    Thank you,

  2. Hmmm...I never thought that riding in a bus can be one of the dreams of a child, hehe! Well, at least now you can do all the things you wanted to. enjoy it while you're still young and single!
    Hey, that cave you visited, amazing!

  3. Nice to meet you Kuya Romel! :)

    I also have that urge in me to travel our country but then again, my parents won't allow me. Maybe a few more years and I'm off to go!

    Followed your blog po! :)

  4. nice adventure here!! hope i can visit and explore philippines too! live your life to the fullest and travel on!

  5. You are fortunate to get to explore Philippines. Thanks for the tour.

  6. nice to meet you Romel, go for your dreams, we had very similar dreams when I was a child, only that mine was riding the trains because there was a rail track in our neighborhood, but never saw a train passing by, but only heard of the stories of train bringing people to places, so I always dreamed of taking so many trains and enjoying the ride, taking snapshots of places we pass by :)

    so love your simple dreams, go go for it, and wishing you the best in your MA studies too

  7. Slowly but surely you conquer your childhood dreams and sooner it would not be just within that place but surely you'll ventured outside Philippines. Just keep that dream going and soon, when the right time comes and if it's meant for you, it shall come true.

  8. I envy people like you who have the chance of traveling around the Philippines. That wish continues to be in my own bucket list. In the mean time, I try to fill my travel void by reading articles about travel like what you provide here.

  9. Hi there! I will follow your every journey virtually! I love riding buses and watching the outside world too! great to meet a librarian through FBF :)

  10. Nice to know more about you Romel! Keep traveling as I can sense you really have the passion to roam around and learn new things.

  11. Keep on exploring Philippines for new adventures, there so many places to see and enjoy.

  12. It's good to read a travel story from Librarian's point. We'll be following your post.

  13. Simpleng pangarap lang pala. Bro, inspirasyon sa marami ang sinimulan mo. As you have said, sana malibot mo ang buong Pinas bago ka mag-asawa. Kaya mo yan.

  14. Thanks for sharing bro, hope to see more of your travels soon!

  15. Ikaw na ang gala ng gala! Sige, let's travel around the Philippines! Hehe JOin ka ng mga blogger association so you can meet other travel bloggers..

  16. I wish I have the guts likes yours, not afraid to travel to different places all over the country.

  17. Sure sir... I'll be checking out your blog too... :) Thanks!

  18. More gala to come! I love your seeing your travel photos! Take care always :P

  19. Hi! I updated my top 10 emerging influential blog. I nominated you, my fellow librarian. :)

  20. I was inspired to travel the country as well because of this blog site.. Take care Kuya Romel! :D

  21. Great post and inspiration for travelers... keep it up bro

  22. Sama naman minsan sa mga travels mo hahaha! I'm JB, from Amparo Caloocan City, malapit lang ako sa San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan. You can reach me through my mail: I'm a newbie travel blogger.

  23. God bless you🙏You are realizing your dreams and doing a wonderful part in making our country known to your kababayans💝 Good luck and Keep going, San Josenyong Gala🤩
